Last updated on May 11, 2024 at 10:24by Azortharion126 comments
General Information
In this guide, you will find tips and advice to tackle Mythic+ dungeons with yourBeast Mastery Hunter in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.7.
Mythic+ Guide for Beast Mastery Hunter
In this guide, we will talk about getting the most out of your Hunter inMythic+ dungeons, including the best way to set up your character, how yourrotation may change, and tips and tricks for using your abilities in the mostoptimal way.
If you are unfamiliar with Mythic+ and its associated general mechanics, youcan read more about it on our dedicated Mythic+ page below.
The War Within Season 1
To learn more about the Mythic+ Meta, check out our Mythic+ Tier List below.
The War Within Mythic+ Tier List
The Role of Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within Mythic+
Beast Mastery Hunter specializes in solid all-round damage, withrelatively low burst but higher-than-average sustained damage. Its AoE islargely uncapped, making it very versatile at doing different kinds of damage.
Best Mythic+ Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
For a more general overview of Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter,please visit our dedicated Talents page.
Beast Mastery Hunter Talents and Builds for The War Within
Best Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter
Mythic+ Talent BuildHeavy AoE Mythic+ Talent BuildM+ Talents Explained
Best Mythic+ Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter
This build is optimal for all Mythic+ situations, focusing on an optimizedblend of AoE and single-target that is optimal for completing high Mythic+dungeons as quickly as possible.
Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the bestbuild directly into your game!
Best Heavy AoE Talents for Beast Mastery Hunter
This build focuses on pure AoE damage and offers the highest burst AoEnumbers. It is not strictly optimal for high Mythic+ pushing, but when you justwant to dish out the highest overall DPS numbers possible in mob-densedungeons, it can be better for looking good on the meter.
Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the bestbuild directly into your game!
M+ Talents Explained
AoE Builds
Usually, when people talk about AoE builds, they are really talking aboutMythic+. Pure AoE is a very niche and uncommon occurrence, since even the mostAoE-heavy fights tend to have a single, "big bad" boss that needs to be killedto end the fight. Exceptions occur, of course, such as withPrimal Council.
With that in mind, the Mythic+ build I recommend on this page is notstrictly speaking the best AoE build. Instead, it is focused on trying to getthe best of both worlds, combining simulations of single-target and variouskinds and durations of AoE. The goal of doing damage in Mythic+ is to finishthe dungeon quickly, after all, and that is what this build accomplishes.
To add some numbers to this, my M+ build deals ~11% more single-target DPSthan the Heavy AoE build, but only ~4% less pure AoE DPS. It also deals ~5% more priority target damage while doing its AoE.
Mythic+ Utility for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
This section talks mostly about the uses of different spells. For in-depthexplanations of all Hunter Abilities and Talents, including these, check out ourSpells page.
Beast Mastery Hunter The War Within Spell Glossary
Utility of Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
Interrupts, Stuns and StopsOther Utility
Interrupts, Stuns and Stops
Counter Shot is your "kick" and your most important bit of utility inMythic+, used to stop enemy casts for the benefit of the group and especiallythe tank. It is highly recommended to use a Focus Kick macro for this.
- /stopcasting
- /stopcasting
- /cast [@focus,exists,nodead][@mouseover,exists,nodead] [] Counter Shot
This macro will kick your focus target if you have one, mouseover if you haveno Focus target, and your target if you have neither of those.
To quickly set a focus target in hectic scenarios, we also recommend aFocus Mouseover macro.
- /focus [@mouseover]
Make sure that your UI shows your Focus Target's casts clearly, so that youare always able to kick it on cooldown, or in coordination with the rest of yourgroup.
Stunning and "Stops"
Intimidation is your second-most important utility and is your"stop" for negating casts that cannot be normally interrupted. We recommendusing this in the same way as your Counter Shot, with the same macro (withIntimidation swapped in for Counter Shot, of course).
Binding Shot can be used to save your tank in hectic moments byhelping him kite mobs and generate some range.
Freezing Trap can be used as an additional stop alongside Intimidation, but it has a slow travel time and you will need to beclose to land it before most stunnable casts are finished.
Scatter Shot (mutually exclusive with Binding Shot) can beused as an additional stop alongside Intimidation and Freezing Trap, but you have to bewithin 20 yards of the mob you are stopping. It will also remove any DoTs like Barbed Shot, giving it a small DPS cost.
Other Utility
Feign Death can not only be used to drop aggro, but also negatecertain casts and channels on you. In some cases, these mechanics will simplyre-target someone else in the group, but occasionally the mechanic will beentirely negated with huge benefits. If you notice a cast or effect on you, tryto Feign Death it!
Tranquilizing Shot can negate beneficial Enrage and Magic effectsfrom enemytargets, and with the Disruptive Rounds Talent, we do not losemeaningful damage from doing so.
Tar Trap can be used to aid your tank in kiting by slowing mobs.
Surviving High Mythic+ as a Beast Mastery Hunter
In the upper levels of Mythic+, you may find that your baseline Hunter Kitis not enough to survive some mechanics, especially those that become oneshotson high Tyrannical keys, for example.
A dead DPS does no DPS, of course, so in these cases it can be worthreplacing your worst DPS Trinket with a defensive Tank Trinket to help yousurvive. Season 4 has a few options available for this:
- Choker of Shielding — Not a Trinket, but an Embellished Neck that wouldlikely replace your Torc of Passed Time with Blue Silken Lining. This isyour first line of defense, offering an extra layer of survivability on a3-minute cooldown for apretty small DPS loss.
- Ward of Faceless Ire — A significant Absorb shield on a1-minute cooldown, with passive Agility. This is generally your best choice, asits Absorb should be enough for almost any mechanic, and its passive Agilitymeans you do not lose as much DPS as with other Trinkets. You will have toobtain this directly from Echo of Neltharion in Aberrus, orbuy it with 2 Antique Bronze Bullions.
- Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart — A much bigger absorb-shield, buton a 90-second cooldown and with passive Versatility. This is a much bigger DPSloss to take than the Ward, and while its absorb shield is bigger, it isprobably overkill for the vast majority of mechanics. You will have to obtainthis directly from Fyrakk in Amirdrassil, or buy it with 2 Antique Bronze Bullions.
"Not Even Close" Website
When deciding if you should use the effects above, it is crucial to use awebsite like Not Even Close. Plugyour character's base stats into this website, and it will tell you whichmechanics will oneshot you on a given key level and affix combination. Youshould only use defensive Trinkets and Embellishments if they will actuallysave your life according to this website.
Dungeon Tips and Tricks for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
This section has Hunter-specific tips and tricks that may not seem obvious,for all dungeons' bosses and trash. If you want general guides for each of ourDungeons or Mythic+ in general,check out our dedicated page below.
The War Within Season 1
Dungeon Tips for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
Algeth'ar AcademyAzure VaultBrackenhide HollowHalls of InfusionNeltharusNokhud OffensiveRuby Life PoolsUldaman
- Crawth: Your defensive rotation should be Bear > SoTF > Turtle >Repeat. Start using these defensives when you are pretty sure that the nextScreech will kill you, as they do increasing damage.
- Overgrown Ancient: Use cooldowns at 25s and 2:25.
- Echo of Doragosa: When targeted by Energy Bomb, use Feign Death quickly to cancel it.
- Arcane Ravager: Bait the Vicious Ambush (stand at max range),and Feign once it targets you.
- No special tips.
- Arcane Tender — Feigning the Erratic Growth on you will cancel it entirely.
- Rune Seal Keeper — If Icy Bindings goes through (it really shouldn't!), you can Disengage the root.
- Drakonid Breaker — Shoulder Slam can be Feigned if it is on you.
- Rira Hackclaw — You can feign Savage Charge.
- Bracken Warscourge — You can pre-cast Tranquilizing Shot just before the Ragestorm castfinishes to insta-stop it.
- There are numerous Disease and Poison effects throughout the dungeon. Use Feign Death to drop them at will!
- No specific tips.
- Containment Apparatus — You can feign Containment Beam when it targets you.
- Chargath, Bane of Scales — You can feign the Dragon Strike to prevent the bleed application you. Feign beforethe cast ends, and stay Feigned through the animation.
- Magmatusk — You can feign Lava Spray, but it will re-target. You can also Turtle an application of Magma Eruption.
- Qalashi Bonesplitter — You can feign Dragonbone Axe.
- Teera — Aspect of the Turtle will not immune Gale Arrow, even though you might expect it to.
- Balakar Khan — You can feign Static Spear.
- No specific tips.
- Kyrakka — You can pre- Aspect of the Turtle Flamespit.
- Thunderhead — You can pre- Aspect of the Turtle Rolling Thunder. You cannotknow if you are targeted ahead of time, so this is a sort of gamble.
- Blazebound Destroyer — You can Feign ~0.75s before Inferno on you expires, and not take anydamage.
- Olaf — You can feign Ricocheting Shield.
- No specific tips.
Affix Tips, Tricks and Management for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
This section has Hunter-specific tips for dealing with the various affixes of Mythic+. If you want general guides for each of our Dungeons or Mythic+ in general,check out our dedicated page below.
The War Within Season 1
Affix Guide for Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within
Affix: AfflictedAffix: IncorporealAffix: EntanglingAffix: StormingAffix: SpitefulAffix: RagingAffix: BolsteringAffix: BurstingAffix: Sanguine
Afflicted Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter has no way of dealing with the AfflictedAffix, as it has no friendly dispel. The best you can do is remind yourteammatesto do it.
Incorporeal Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter is well-equipped to deal with Incorporeal.You can pre- Freezing Trap one of the circles that spawn, and then use Scare Beast (Talent) on another and solo the affix every time.
Entangling Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter can use Disengage to immediately break and move out of Entangling, thanks to our Posthaste Talent.
Storming Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter is fully mobile, and can run around andintentionally soak the Storming tornados and help your group not have to dealwith them, since other Ranged are usually movement-limited, and melee do notwant to risk being knocked out of melee range.
Spiteful Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter can use Binding Shot and Tar Trap to best deal with Spiteful Shades. Consider speccing into Entrapment to make your Tar Trap even more useful for this.
Raging Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter has Tranquilizing Shot to deal with Raging. We do not recommend spamming it mindlessly, but instead it helps toknow which mobs need CC in a pack and preparing to enrage-dispel those whenthey hit 30% HP.
Bolstering Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter has nothing special to deal with Bolstering, but it is extremely important to always be hitting the highest HPtarget in a pack on Bolstering weeks. We highly recommend this WeakAura to help mark out this target inhectic situations.
Bursting Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter can use Aspect of the Turtle when a lot of mobs are dying to preventstacks of Bursting being applied.
Sanguine Affix Management for Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter can use High Explosive Trap (Talent) to knock mobs out of Sanguine and reposition them.
How To Sim Mythic+ for Beast Mastery Hunter
When choosing your trinkets, we recommend simulating yourself onRaidbots Top Gear or Gear Compareusing the DungeonSlice Fight Style to roughly simulate a Mythic+ dungeon.
If you are an advanced user, the true best way to sim Mythic+ is to use MDT Sim, a WeakAura/Toolthat lets you simulate real Mythic+ dungeons,based on routes from the Mythic Dungeon Tools Addon.
On our Gear Page below, we have compiled BiS items for Beast MasteryHunter that also apply to Mythic+.
Beast Mastery Hunter Gear Page for The War Within
- 11 May 2024: Added section on how to survive the highest of keys with Tank Trinkets and Embellishments.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 03 May 2024: Added tip for Chargath in Neltharus.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5
- 03 Jan. 2024: Updated the Mythic+/AoE Build in light of recent discoveries. Only one build is now needed.
- 23 Dec. 2023: Updated the Mythic+/AoE Talents to have a new, Tyrannical/single-target focused AoE build.
- 18 Dec. 2023: Added Mythic+ Dungeon Tips.
- 06 Dec. 2023: Updated the Mythic+ Build. Added the Dire Pack Build as an alternative.
- 04 Dec. 2023: Updated with new builds accounting for recent changes.
- 24 Nov. 2023: Swapped back the AoE/Mythic+ Build.
- 18 Nov. 2023: Small update to the AoE/Mythic+ Build. Same DPS, but nicer to play.
- 12 Nov. 2023: Updated the recommended Mythic+ build.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7
- 18 Aug. 2023: Added more dungeon tips.
- 17 Aug. 2023: Restructured the page. Work in progress.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
- 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 30 Nov. 2022: Fixed an issue where the Mythic+ Talent Tree did not match the Talents Page.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 04 Nov. 2022: Updated the optimal Conduits back again, due to APL updates and the Alpha Predator bugfix.
- 03 Nov. 2022: Updated the best Conduit to use for Beast Mastery in Mythic+.
- 01 Nov. 2022: Earlier changes reverted due to a simulation bug.
- 01 Nov. 2022: Updated the recommended Mythic+/AoE Talents in light of recent 10% nerf to BM.
- 30 Oct. 2022: Updated the optimal Mythic+/AoE Talents.
- 27 Oct. 2022: Updated the recommended Covenant.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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