Nagasarete Airantou - TV Tropes (2025)

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Human Characters

Voiced by: Soichiro Hoshi (Drama CD), Hiro Shimono (Anime)

The main character of the series who gets stranded on Airantou. Being the only male human on the island, he becomes the center of attention of most of the female residents.

  • Abusive Parents: Has one in his grandfather.
  • Accidental Kiss: To Ayane.
  • Accidental Pervert: And HOW.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: He has gradually become accustomed to talking with the anthropomorphic animals on the island, yet still refuses to believe in anything of paranormal or mythological origin even if it is right in front of him.
    • He doesn't have any problems believing in aliens and Robot Girls either.
    • He winds up on the other end of the spectrum, when he tries to convince the islanders on the existence of the aforementioned aliens.
    • He did have trouble believing in the anthropomorphic aspect of Airantou's animals, but that quickly died away when Shima-tora made a...convincing argument.
    • A recent chapter had him get sick and get a fever which made him start to believe in magic. Then when he was still recovering he started to mix science fact with magic, and then he freaked out when he realized what he was saying.
    • Justified since his family placed him under a spell that made him skeptical of anything paranormal to ensure that he wouldn't figure out that his sister had supernatural powers. After Chapter 106 it wore off due to being under the effect of a stronger spell. Although this wasn't discussed until Chapter 125.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: How he defeated the Northern Leader.
  • Balloon Belly: When Suzu gave him CPR.
  • Berserk Button: Saying "It's impossible." to his face.
  • Big Damn Heroes: On one memorable occasion, he saved Ayane and Michiru from an enraged Taiga, the Northern leader, by throwing his sword to hit Taiga's weak point. He also brought lunch.
  • Butt-Monkey: At times.
  • Chick Magnet: Being the only human male in the island helps.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: If there are other men around, he is considered as this.
  • Identical Stranger: He resembles Takatora, Suzu's father.
  • Imagine Spot: Has a few.
  • Groin Attack: He gets because he doesn't believe Tohno is a kappa.
  • Lap Pillow:
    • He is the pillow for Machi while she is sick and vice versa.
    • And for Suzu because she asked him which causes a three way brawl for his lap...
  • Made of Iron: In the beginning he would actually have to rest a day after being beaten to a pulp.
    • Now he can fight all 4 guardians, fall in a river, get eaten by a fish, and still be perfectly fine the next day. He has come a VERY long way.
    • He may have always been this. He drifted at sea for 7 days without any food or water with no visible discomfort. He may have just been recovering from that still in the get go which explains how weak he was in the beginning.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: to his family.
  • Oblivious to Love: A Celibate Hero hero, he sincerely thinks that the only reason the girls are after him is because of Gender Rarity Value.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: He says this to Suzu mostly because he lives with her, but he says it to just about every girl in his Unwanted Harem at one point or another.
  • Red Herring: In the second Beniyasha Story Arc.
  • The Runaway: Type 2 beacause of his dad.
  • Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: His swordsmanship is outstanding, but he sucks at ball games.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: That's how his Unwanted Harem developed romantic feelings or a crush on him
  • Took a Level in Badass: The reason he became a hero.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Curry.
  • Training from Hell: He had this in the past from his grandfather.
  • Weak, but Skilled: He is one of the physically weakest people on the island, at least at first more arguable now, but that does not stop him from defeating his opponents.
  • Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: He often uses a wooden sword whenever he's fighting.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Ikuto is acrophobic, meaning scared of heights.


Voiced by: Yui Horie (Drama CD/Anime)

The main female protagonist of the series. The first person Ikuto met on the island and is thus the closest to him and lets him live together at her house.

  • The Ace: She's great at everything except studying.
  • Balloon Belly: Suzu in episode 2.
  • Berserk Button: Getting between her and mame daifuku, her favorite food.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She can scare anyone.
  • Catgirl: Especially when she goes into Yandere mode. Also turns into a cat during the Forced Transformation episode.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She is getting more and more clingy in the later chapters.
  • CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable: When she tried to use it to save Ikuto, Hilarity Ensues.
  • Cute Little Fang: Rarely shown though.
  • Death Glare: She unknowingly shows it when people start to hit on Ikuto.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: 4 of 5 of the songs were played by her seiyuu.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Does not like spicy foods
  • Embarrassing Damp Sheets: Until just a year or so.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: With Ayane.
  • Genius Ditz: For some reason, she can easily wipe the floor with everyone on the island - all at once.
  • My Beloved Smother: She acts like one to Tonkatsu.
  • Stepford Smiler: She was Type A. A few years before Ikuto arrived, her father (with the rest of the men) disappeared. Then she was left under Karaage's care because her mother disappeared.
  • Yandere: Just not the stab-with-a-knife kind.


Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Drama CD), Saeko Chiba (Anime)

Machi's younger sister and training to be a miko. Frequently becomes the subject of her sister's experiments or physical abuse and misfortune in general.

  • A-Cup Angst: Does not like to be reminded that she's flat. Suzu even exploits this to bring her to her.
  • Accidental Kiss: With Ikuto.
  • Always Someone Better: Suzu and Machi is this for her.
  • Butt-Monkey: She's the island's biggest source of misfortune inflicted on her and a frequent target of Machi's pranks, experiments and retribution.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Became one after she really falls in love with Ikuto rather than in lust with him.
  • Did I Just Say That Out Loud?: She just blurts her plans out loud and hopes no one hears them. Being the Butt-Monkey they usually do.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Her plans never work out the way she hoped. Unless it comes to pranking. Not even Genjuumaru, a tanuki prankster spirit, can outdo her.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: With Suzu.
  • Identical Grandchild: She's one for her grandmother, Kikyou.
  • Identical Stranger: According to Ikuto and Misaki, she looks like their cousin who is also named Ayane.
  • Iron Butt-Monkey: Thanks to being inflicted by all sorts of physical abuse and misfortune, she's the island's most resilient resident.
  • Made of Iron: Proved by this:

    (Ayane falls face-first from a cliff.)

    Suzu: Jya. Let's go Ikuto.

    Ikuto: Is it alright not to do anything!!

    Suzu: It's alright, it's alright. If it's only that much, Ayane is totally fine.

    Ikuto (Sweat Dropping): Only that much...?

  • Trademark Favorite Food: Anything spicy, the more hot the better. Also because Machi won't eat anything spicy.


Voiced by: Masumi Asano (Drama CD), Mikako Takahashi (Anime)

Ayane's older sister and a strong Miko. Can use powerful spells and she's friends with lots of shikigamis she can summon.

  • Aside Glance: She loves doing this.
  • Berserk Button: Insulting her about her age once, shame on her; insulting her about her age consecutively, prepare for the worst.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: A highly-gifted miko, but...yeah.
  • The Collector of the Strange: She collects brooms.
  • Create Your Own Villain: She released Genjumaro.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Specifically she does not like spicy foods. Ayane developed a taste for spicy food for precisely thsi reason, it's the one thing she doesn't have to worry about Machi taking.
  • Evil Laugh: Shows us how to do it right.
  • Harem Seeker: Inverted. If her dream is to be believed, she wants one for Ikuto. As long as she is his legal wife and others are just concubines, and she gets to have his baby first, its OK for him to have other girls.
  • Hidden Buxom: Her miko attire belies a figure that's among the most voluptuous of Ikuto's primary suitresses.
  • Identical Grandchild: Is this with her great-grandmother Yashiro.
  • Identical Stranger: According to both Ikuto and Misaki, she looks like their cousin who is also named Machi.
  • It Amused Me: Her reason for doing everything she's doing. She even lampshades it herself at one point.
  • Lap Pillow: She is the pillow for Ikuto while he is sick and vice versa.
  • Lethal Chef:
    • In the Manga, she leaves behind a truly frightening mess of what used to be the kitchen that some unlucky soul has to clean up.
    • In the Anime, she makes a LOT of food, and she won't let you leave until you eat it ALL of it.
  • Older Than They Look: She is 18 years old, but is also shorter than Ayane and baby-faced. However, betraying her visage is a developed body befitting a girl her age that's typically hidden by her usual shrine maiden attire. Just don't say she's old.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: She's the most powerful and most skilled fighter in Ikuto's Unwanted Harem while also the shortest barring Yukino.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: One of her favorite hobbies.


Voiced by: Yuu Asakawa (Drama CD), Ryōko Shiraishi (Anime)

The physically strongest female of the island working as an apprentice carpenter. She's frequently shown to be the second closest to Ikuto.

  • Charles Atlas Superpower: In terms of physical strength, she's the strongest human in the island.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Unfortunately her occupation of being a carpenter makes it dangerous to everyone.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Prior to Ikuto's arrival, to her dismay Rin was on the receiving end of unwanted sexual interest from some girls (Mikoto being the prime example) due to her tomboyish qualities, which led her to start taking baths by her lonesome following incidents in group baths. Ikuto's presence on the island ended up being a boon for her as he diverted their attentions, except for Mikoto, towards him. In fact, her initial reason to sought out Ikuto for marriage before developing deeper feelings for him was to ward off the female attention for good.
    • Her choice of attire does not help the matter.
  • Incompatible Orientation: She doesn't reciprocate the interest of Mikoto and some of the other girls pre-Ikuto because she's only attracted to boys.
  • Statuesque Stunner: In addition to her good looks she's also the tallest of Ikuto's suitresses let alone the main cast, towering Ikuto at 170 cm to his 151 cm.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Tomboyish traits aside, she does have interests and qualities usually considered feminine such as dressing up (albeit in secret due to her insecurity) and stereotypical domestic skills (cooking and sewing). Additionally, she's also somewhat self-conscious about her perceived lack of femininity.
  • Through His Stomach: While the other girls do this too, she's the first to think of it.


Voiced by: Ai Nonaka (Drama CD), Shizuka Itō (Anime)

Lives in a western style mansion and loves to study the outside world from objects and books that drift in.

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Ikuto just doesn't seem to notice what's Beneath the Mask.
  • For Science!: The things she'll do for this...
  • Mad Scientist: Ironically, she became a Cute Witch once.
  • Ninja: She has some training as one due to her mother being one.


Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Drama CD), Shizuka Hasegawa (Anime)

The youngest girl of the island and has many animal friends.

  • Badly Battered Babysitter: To Taka-Taka's illegitimate child nephew.
  • =* Cute Little Fang: Has two.
  • Fluffy Tamer: Usually rides along on the back of an animal she befriended - most often Kuma-Kuma.
  • Overnight Age-Up: In chapters 81 and 82.
  • Precocious Crush: On Ikuto.

Mei Mei

Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame

Another outsider like Ikuto. She's very shy to unfamiliar people, but is training to be a performer and is very acrobatic. Is a close friend with Tohno, a Kappa she met while traveling.

  • Anime Chinese Girl: Strongly implied in Chapter 20 when Mei Mei's family is shown both on and off-stage in traditional Chinese clothing. Mei Mei also tells Chikage she's wearing "China clothes."
  • Covert Pervert: Reads erotic novels, much to Tohno's concern. She also fantasizes about her and Ikuto "exploring each other's body all night long."
  • Interspecies Friendship: With Tohno.
  • Massive Numbered Siblings: She has a lot of siblings.
  • Master of Disguise: She can hide inside fake trees or rocks with a hole for the head. She also has some animal disguises, although they are based on the more realistic looking animals from the outside world.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She loves her dolls and stuff animals. They just are so real they scare others.


Voiced by: Orie Kimoto

Part of the ninja family and becomes Ikuto's student. Easily gets lost when going anywhere.

  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Even more innocent than Suzu.
  • Fragile Speedster: Ikuto states that she may be even faster than the West Leader.
  • Ninja: Rather, a former ninja, though she still has the skills.
  • Verbal Tic: Adding "-degozaru" after every sentence.


A half-snow fairy that has strong ice powers but is lazy and often forgotten by other residents.

  • Battle Aura: When she fought Tohno.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: She's lazier than Machi.* Cosmic Plaything: The author likes to even directly poke fun at Michiru.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her mother is a Yuki-onna.
  • Identical Stranger: According to Ikuto, Michiru is an In-Universe Expy of his little sister, Misaki.
  • Magitek: The islanders use her power to create ice for their Ice BoxesNagasarete Airantou - TV Tropes (1).

Touhouin Misaki

Voiced by: Risa Shimizu

Ikuto's younger sister.

  • Cuteness Proximity: Whenever she sees anything or anyone.
  • Idiot Hair: Gets it when there's a youkai nearby.
  • Not Blood Siblings: With Ikuto.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Being Michiru's little sister, she is also half yuki-onna.


Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe

Youngest of the ninja girls who also works as a carpenter. Is a psycho lesbian towards Rin.

  • Action Girl: She is a ninja, after all.
  • Hopeless Suitor: She fancies Rin quite a bit, but the object of her attraction is both after Ikuto and, most importantly, a heterosexual. Thus, she has no hope getting together with Rin.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Rin's heterosexuality is the main reason Mikoto has no chance with her.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Extremely hostile towards Ikuto anytime he gets near Rin.


Oldest of the ninja girls who also works as a teacher.


Voiced by: Kujira

Real name: Koto. She is the oldest human on the island.

  • Long-Lived: Is over 130 years old.
  • Walking Spoiler: She's actually a nine-tail fox demon, and recently became young again.


Ikuto's grandfather

  • Dirty Old Man: Has a 24-year old wife.

Iwatsuki Hiragi

Gento's second wife


Ikuto's mother


Ikuto's father


Suzu's deceased mother.


Suzu's father.


Machi and Ayane's mother.


Machi and Ayane's father.


Machi and Ayane's grandmother.


Machi and Ayane's great grandmother. A powerful miko who attends the shrine of Kairyuu.


A carpenter and Rin's mother.


Rin's father.


Rin's grandmother.


Rin's grandfather.


Rin's aunt who works for making fireworks for festivals.


Chikage's mother.


Chikage's father.


Yukino's mother.


Yukino's father.


Shinobu, Mikoto, Kunai's mother.


Shinobu, Mikoto, Kunai's father.

Non-Human Characters


An orca that's the lord of the sea.


A tiger that's the lord of the north.


A panda that's the lord of the east.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Tries to kidnap Mei Mei more than once.


A cat that's the lord of the south.

  • Little Bit Beastly: When shapeshifting into a human he usually assumes the form of a handsome man with feline features.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can shapeshift into anything he wants to look like.


A rooster that's the lord of the west.

  • Actually Iam Him: When he reveals that he's the Lord of the West to Ikuto.
  • Former Teen Rebel: Was one in his youth, until Suzu's mother knocked some sense into him.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Aside from being more powerful than any human on the island he's also insanely fast to boot.
  • Killer Rabbit: One of the strongest animals on the island despite being a chicken.
  • Right in Front of Me: Ikuto has a hard time figuring out Karaage is the legendary Lord of the West.
  • The Mentor: For Ikuto.

Nagasarete Airantou - TV Tropes (2)


An owl.


A hamster.


A porcupine.


A boar.


A dog.


A duck.


A fox.


A bear.


A hawk.


A rabbit.


A penguin.


A monkey.


A weasel.


A penguin.


Shinobu's pet cow.

Blue Bird

A myth of the island that usually looks like a fat grey bird that's shy and could barely fly. But can transform into a beautiful blue bird when it needs to help.


Karaage wife.


A crow that tells fortunes.


Ayane's ostrich. Never shown as being able to talk.


An elephant that works as a maid for Chikage. One of Chikage's spells showed her having blonde hair.


Taka-Taka's nephew that's hyper active and likes to bite everything.


Shima-Tora's fat wife. Prefers to stay transformed to her human form.


Taiga's wife.


A penguin that had a nickname of The Jet Black Emperor. A friend and rival of Karaage and Taka-Taka.


Ikuto and Suzu's pet pig. Also not able to talk, due to being two years old.


An youkai that was sealed in an ink pot that enjoys scaring people.


A ghost that likes to visit, or even take a bath at Suzu's house.


An old capybara that's a yokai doctor.

Den Den Radish

Ayane's shikigami that loves to be physically abused.


A tanuki that enjoys pranking Machi.


Machi's shikigami that looks like a ghostly dinosaur.


An ancient and powerful youkai since the time of dinosaurs that lives in the island.


A satori whose youkai form looks like a monkey that can read minds.


A fairy that's bonded with Misaki and helps her ice powers. Koyuki's little sister.


A fairy that's bonded with Michiru and helps her ice powers.


A genie that lives in Chikage's house and grant as many as 7 wishes.


Machi's latest shikigami that was created from a cursed broom.

Shiki 1,2,3

Machi's shikigamis that are 3 bats.

Teru Teru Machou

Machi's shikigami that's muscular and has a sack on its head.


A Kappa that's Mei Mei's friend. One of Chikage's spells revealed her human form has dark skin


A snow fairy. Michiru and Misaki's mother.


An android who works at the inn at the hot springs.


Nagasarete Airantou - TV Tropes (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.