The Gloucester Journal from Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (2024)

In 1871. MIDLAND RAILWAY (ADDITIOSAL POWERS) GUilwnv. Mi.l Alt.r»ti..n. of Kom) and Additional« in oountlM of MiiMlmei. Surrey, Northampton.

Ilkmoerter, of Bristol, Leicester, Nottingham. IVrhy Lancaster, and York (West Riding) KxUiiMon of Time for Completion of Railway of the Company at Bristol: Kxtemiion of Time for Comoletion of the Ashby and Nuneaton Railway the Company and the and North Western Railway Company and Additional Lands in the Company of North Western Railway and Chesterfield Rramoton Railway: Provisions to Joint Interest in or User of intended Railwav to (Jloucester and Berkeley New Docks by Great Western Railway Company; Running Powers over North and South Western Junction Railway; Other Rowers to Company in respect of that Railway Agreements in relation thereto Power to use Station ait Huddersfield, and in relation thereto Agreements with Creat Eastern and Tottenham and Junction Railway as to Working Railway of latter Company; Additional Capital; Amendment of Acts). is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next by the Midland Railway Company (hereinafter called for an Act for the following purpoaea, or some of them (that is to say): To lower the Company to make ami maintain the following, or some or one of them, with all proper approaches, stations, sidings, works, and con- Teniences connected therewith (that is to say): A Railway (to be railed The Cricklewood South six and a half furlongs or thereabouts in length, to commence in the parish off Willesden, in the county of Middlesex, by a junction with the Midland and South Western Junction Railway, at a point thereon four furlongs five chains or thcrealxmts west of the bridge which carries that Railway under the Edgeware Road, and to terminate in the parish of Hendon, in the same county, by a junction with the Main Line of the Railway at a iioint eleven chains or thereabouts north of the bri.lgo which carries that line over Hill Lane whien intended Railway will pass from, in, through, or into the several parishes. and extraparochial or other places following, or some of them (that is to say): Willesden, Cricklewood, Hill, and Hendon, all in the county of Middlesex A Railway (to be called The Gloucester and Berkeley New 1 Kicks five miles or thereabouts in length, to commence in the off Slimbridge, in the county of Gloucester, by a junction with the Company's Bristol and Gloucester Line at a point nine chains or thereabouts south-west of the bridge which carries the turnpike road from Gloucester to Bristol over that line, and to terminate in the liarish of Berkeley in the same county, on the southwestern side of the Docks on the Canal authorised by Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Act near to and on the north eastern side of the Holly Hazle Pill; which intended Railway wrill pa-s from, in. through, or into the several parishes, and extra-parochial or other places following, off some of them (that is to sav): Cam, Slimbridge, Stinchcombe.

Hinton, and Berkeley, all in the county of Gloucester; An alteration of and deviation in the line and levels of the Whitacre and Nuneaton Railway of the Company authorised by and firstly described in Midland Railway (New Lines) Act (to be called The Horesp Grange Deviation five furlongs and four chains or thereabouts in length, to be wholly situate in the parish of Nuneaton, in the county of Warwick, and to commence by a junction with that Railway at a point thereon fifty-three chains or thereabouts from the existing junction of that Railway with the South Leicestershire Railway, and to terminate by a junction with the South Leicestershire Railway at a point thereon eight chains or thereabouts east of the same junction and to the Company to abandon so much and such of the said WhHacre and Nuneaton Railway as will become unnecessary by reason of the construction of the above-mentioned intended deviation A Railway (to be called Horeston (Jrange two furlongs three chains or thereabouts in length, to be situate wholly in the fiarish of Nuneaton, in the county of Warwick, and to commence by a junction with the South Leicestershire Railway at a thereon twenty-three chains or thereabouts westward of the existing junction of the Whitacre and Nuneaton Railway of the Company with the South Railway, and to terminate by a junction with the intended Horeston Grange Deviation, in a field numbered on the deposited plans referred to in Midland Railway (New Lines) Act 251, in the of Nuneaton A Railway (to be called Holme Wood furlongs or thereabouts in length, to be situate wholly in the parish of Ault Hucknall, in the county of Derby, and to commence by a junction with the Pilslev Branch Extension of the Company authorised by The Midland Railway (Additional Powers) Act in a field numbered on the deposited plans referred to in that Act 38 in the parish of Ault Hucknall, and to terminate at or near and to the west of the Holme Wood Colliery A Railway (to be called Unstone Coal seven furlongs or thereabouts in length, to be situate wholly in the township of Unstone, in the parish of Droofteld, in the county of Derby and to commence by a junction with the Chesterfield and Sheffield Railway at a point thereon eight chains or thereabouts north of the bridge which carries that Railway over the public road from Whittington to Sheffield, and to terminate in a field called Sotell adjoining and on the west side of the premises known as Red House A Railway (to be called The Goods four furlongs or thereabouts in length, to be situate wholly in the township of Kimberworth, in the parish of Rotherham, in the West Riding of the county of York, and to commence by a junction with the main line of the Company's Railway from Derby to Leeds at a point thereon fifteen chains or thereabouts northeast of the bridge over the said Railway called Robin Bridge, and to terminate in a field known as Tenter Meadow and near the Effingham Works A Railway (to be called Ancoats Hall ten chains or thereabouts in length, to be situate wholly in the township and parish of Manchester, in the city of Manchester, in tae county of I Lancaster, and to commence by a junction with the line to Ancoats Street Goods Station at or near the north abutment of the viaduct which carries that line over the River Medlock, and to terminate at a point near to and on the eastern side of Ancoats Hall; An alteration of and deviation in the line and levels of the Railway authorised by and firstly-described in The Midland Railway (Settle to Carlisle) Act 1H66 now in course of construction, (to be called The Arten Gill Deviation one mile one furlong or thereabouts length, to be wholly situate in the township of Dent, in the parish of Sedbergh, in the West Riding of the county of York, and to commence by a junction with the said Railway in a field numbered on the plans referred to in the said Act 31 in the said township of Dent, and to terminate by a junction with the said Railway in a field numbered on the said plans 48 in the same township Another alteration of and deviation in the line and levels of the same Railway (to be called The Cow Gill Deviation two miles four furlongs or thereabouts in length, to commence in the township of Dent, in the parish of Sedbergfa, in the West Riding of the county of York, by a junction with the said Railway, in a field numbered on the deposited plans referred to in Midland Railway (Settle to Carlisle) Act 39, in the township of Dent, and to terminate in the township of Garsdale, in the same by a junction with the said Railway in a field numbered on the said deiswited plans 17, in the township of Garedale which inientled deviation will be wholly situate in the said townships of Dent and Garsdale and parish of Sedltergh, in the West Riding of the county of York To empower the Company to abandon so mQch and such parts of the authorised Settle and Carlisle Railway as will become unnecessary by reason of the construction of the above-mentioned intended deviations, or either of them To empower the Company to stop up and discontinue and extinguish all rights of way over so much of the public highway leading from Rkintou Carlton in the West biding of the county of York, which crosses the Company's and Bradford Railway on the level at Skipton Station, as lies between the boundaries of the property there: To the Company to purchase by compulsion or agreement and to hola lands, bouses, and buildings for all or any of the purposes aforesaid, and also to purchase in like manner and to bold fur purposes connected with their undertaking the lands, bouses, and buildings following; some of them (that is to say): Certain lands and houses in the parish of Baint Mary Newington, in the county of Surrey, lying between Hanover Street ami Amelia Street, and on both sides of and adjoining or near to the London Chatham and Deyer Railway Certain lands and houses in the parish of Wfllewlen, in the county of Middlesex, lying fKi the west side of and adjoining or near to the Midland and Western Junction Railway between the Harrow Road and Sawyer Une Certain lands and honses in the parish of Acton, hi the county of Middlesex, lying on the west side of and adjoining the North and ftouth Western Junction Kadway and the Midland and Houtb Western Railway at the junction of those Railways and certain other lands and houses in the same parish, vhi tl Midland and South Western Junction Railway between the said junction and the Grand Junction anal and certain other lands anil houses in the parish, lying on both of ami adjoining the anal and the last-mentioned Railway, at the point that Railway crosses the said Canal; Certain lands and houses in the (larish of Kettering in the county of lying on both sides of and adjoining the Company's Main Line of Railway at and to the southward of the Keitering Station: Certain lands and kowes in the parb of Rushton, in the county of Northampton, lying on the southern western sides of and adjoining the Railway and station of the Company at Rushton Certain lands and houses i the parish of Ix.ughborough, in the county of lying on the west side of ami adjoining the main line of Railway near the Loughls.rough Station and ln-tween fhe public road leading from Loughborough to Nottingham and the public road ksading Loughborough to Stanford; Certain lands and houses sn the parish Barrow-on- Soar, in the county of IsiceSter, lyfcig on the west side of and adjoining the ConlpatftV Railway from Rugby to Derby, and jiartlv to the south and jiartly to the north of the Barrow Station Certain lands and houses in the parish of Aston juxta Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, lying on the west side of and adjoining the Company's Camp Hill passenger station, and also adjoining Highgate Lane and Montpelier Street; and certain other lands aud houses in the same jiarish lying on the north side of Street, and on the west side of and adjoining the Company's Railway there Certain lands ami Rouses in the parish of Stapleford. in the county of Nottingham, lying partly on the west and partly on the east sides of and the Erewash Valley Railway, near and la the southward of the Sandiacre Station Certain lands ami houses in the township of Litchurch, in the parish of Saint Peter, Derby, in the county of Derby, lying at the north-western corner of Nelson Street, Certain lands and houses in the township and parish of Gargraw, in the West Killing of the county York, lying on the north-east side of and adjoining the North Western Railway at and to the north-west of the Gargrave Station Certain lands and houses in the tow-nships Manningham and Heaton, or one of them, in the jtarish of Bradford, aud the township of Bolton, in the piirish of Calverley, in the West Riding of the county off York, lying on the east side of and adjoining the Leeds and Bradford Railway at and to the of the Manningham Station Certain lands and houses in the out-parish of Saint Philip anti Jacob, in the city ami county of Bristol lying on the west side of and adjoining Barrow anti between the Railway from Bristol to Gloucester anti their Branch to the Avon Street Yard Certain lands and houses in the township of lugleton, in the of iitham, in the West Killing of the County of York, lying between the Railway from Settle to Carlisle, now in course of construction, aud the highway leading from Settle to Ingleton and Hawes, ami to the south of the occupation road crossing the field numbered on the deposited plans referred to in MitUand Railway (Settle to Carlisle) Act 1, in the township of Ingleton To empower the Comjiany and the Ixindon anti North Western Railway Company jointly, or either of them with the consent of the other, to acquire by compulsion or agreement, for purposes connected with the Ashby ami Nuneaton Railway of those Companies, certain lands and houses in the parish of Higham-on-the-Hill, in the county of Leicester, lying on both sides of the Ashby anti Nuneaton Railway now in course of construction, anti forming part of or adjoining the properties numbered on the deposited plans referred to in Midland ami London ami North Western Railway Companies (Ashby and Nuneaton Railway) Act 20, 21, 22, 25, ami 26, in the of Higham-on-the-Hill, and to empower the London and North Western Railway Company to apply to the purposes aforesaid any money belonging to them To extend the time limited by Midland Railway (Additional Powers) Act for the compulsory purchase of lands am) houses for the purposes of the Rail way ami works described in and autnorised by Hand Railway (Bristol Line) Act 1863 To vary ami all existing rights and privileges connected with the lands and houses be purchased or taken under the powers of the intended Act which would in any manner impede or interfere with the purposes of the intended Act, or any of them, and to confer other rights and privileges To authorise the cnwwing. stopping up, altering, or diverting, whether or permanently, of all turnpike roads, highways, railways, tramways, canals, streams, and rivers within or adjoining to the aforesaid parishes, townships, or other places which it may be necessary to cross, stop up, alter, or divert, in executing the several purposes of the intended Act: To empower the Company to levy tolls, rates, or duties for or in respect of the intended Railways and works, and to grant exemptions from the payment of tolls, rates, and duties To extend the respective periods limited by The Midland Railway (Ashby and Nuneaton, Ac.) Act, ami Midland and Ismdon and North Western Railway (Ashby and Nuneaton Railway) Act, 1868, for the completion by the Company and the and North Western Railway Company of the Railways ami works by those Acts resjiectively authorised To vest or provide for the vesting in the Company, upon such terms and conditions as have been or may be agreed upon or prescribed or provided for by the intended Act, of the undertaking of the North Western Railway Company with all their rights, and privileges and to provide for the exercise and fulfilment by the in their own name and under their own seal, and in the names and under the bands of their directors, officers, and servants, of all the rights, privileges, liabilities, and obligations of the North Western Railway Comjiany whether with reference to the acquisition of lands, the construction and maintenance of works, the fixing, demanding, and recovering of pills, rates, and charges, the prising of money by the creation of shares and by borrowiugor otherwise: To transfer to ami vest in the Company all the rights, and privileges now vested in the Chesterfield ami Brampton Railway Company (hereinafter called the Chesterfield and all lands and other property, real or personal, belonging to the Chesterfield Company, and all other their undertaking, and the benefit of all contracts entered into, by, or with them or on their behalf, and also all duties, debts, ami liabilities of the Chesterfield Company so that the Company may be enabled to act in all respects with reference to the undertaking of the Chesterfield Company, ami the construction ami maintenance of the Railway and works authorised by The Chesterfield and Brampton Railway Act, and the purchase of lands for the purjwises thereof, and the levying, demanding, and recovering of tolls, rates, and charges in respect to the said undertaking, as fully and effectually, to all intents and pun wises, as if the powers contained in the said Act had been originally conferred on the Company: To dissolve and wind up the Chesterfield Conqiany, and to vary or extinguish the rights and interests of the shareholders in that ('ompany To make provision for tHe release and retransfer from the Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery in England of the money deposited in the Hank of England in respect of the Railway authorised by The Chesterfield and Brampton Railway Act and for the delivery up and cancelling of any bond or other security given in respect of such money To provide for a joint interest in or user of the Gloucester and Berkeley New Docks Branch by the Great Western Railway Company, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed on between them and the Company, or as may be prescribed or provided for by the intended Act and to emjtower the Company and the Great Western Railway Company to enter into agreements with reference to the matters aforesaid, and to confirm and give effect to any agreements entered into between them with relation thereto, and to confer on them all necessary lowers for giving effect to any such agreement as aforesaid, including a power to the Great Western Railway Company, il necessary, to raise additional capital To the Company to run over and use with their engines and carriages, and for traffic of every description, and with their clerks, officers, and servants, the Railways of the North and South Western Junction Railway Company (hereinafter called the Junction and the branches, stations, sidings, approaches, lsv)king and other offices, watering places, water, telegraphic machinery and appliances, and all other the works and conveniences of the Junction Company, for such consideration, and upon and subject to such other terms and conditions, as may be agreed on or prescribed or provided for by the intended Act: To provide for the maintenance, general control, management, ami working by the Company, instead of the Junction Company of the Railways, stations, sidings, signals, and other works of the Junction Company; and to empower the Company to exercise, enjoy, and enforce all or any of the rights, privileges, and authorities, contracts, and agreements to or enjoyed by or entered into by or on behalf of the Junction including any contract, agreement, or arrangement with respect to the Junction Company's Railway made or enteml into between that Company and the London and North Western Railway Company, the London and South Western Itailway ami the North Ixjndon RaUway Company, any or either of them. To authorise and give effect to agreements between the Company and the Junction or between those Companies on the one hand and the London and North Western, the London and South Western, and the North London Railway Companies, or any or either of them on the other hand, with respect to all or any of the matters aforesaid relating to the Junction Company's Railway To empower the Compnny to pass over and use with thew engines and carriages of every description, and with their clerks, officers, and servants and for the purposes of such traffic as may be prescrilied by the intended Act, the Station at Hudersfield belonging to or used by the Ixmdon ami North Western Railway Company and the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, or one of them, with the approaches, sidings, watering-places, water, booking offices, warehouses, wharves, works, and conveniences connected therewith, upon and subject to such terms conditions, and regulations as may have been or may be speed upon, or as may be prescribed or provided for by the intended Act, and to confirm and give effect to or to authorise contracts and agreements between the Company and the London and North Western and and Yorkshire Railway Comitanies, or either of them, with reference to all or any of the matters aforesaid and also with reference to the alteration, extension, enlargement, and arrangement of the said station, and the works ami conveniences of every description connected therewith as above mentioned, and the accommodation to be afforded to the therein and thereat, ami to alter and amend the fifty-third and following sections of The Midland Railway (Branches, Ac.) Act 1806," relating to the said station To empower the Company, the Great Eautem Railway Company, and the Tottenham and Hampstead dn net ion Railway enter into and carry into effect with reference to the maintenance, management, working, and uae, by the Company and the Great Kaatem Railway Company, or either of them, of the Railways of the Tottenham and Junction Railway Company, and the traffic thereon, and the supply ami maintenance of engines, carriages, and rolling and oilier stock and plant the name and with respect to tne divwion, apiMirtionriunt, and appropriation of the reeeiptH annui from and umm the Railways so worked, tr Hi.d make provision for the of interest on the mortgage or debenture debt GLOUCESTER JOURNAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1870. of Tottenham HampAteftA Junction Railway and enable the Company and the Great Eastern to levy toUa, rates, and charges on the Railways so worked, and to exercise all such other powers may be found advisable in reference to the aforesaid and to confirm and give effect to any agreements between the Companies in reference thereto To empower the Company to raise a further sum of money for all or any of the purposes of the intended Act, for the general of the Company, by the creation of new shares, with or without a guaranteed or preference dividend or other rights or privileges attached thereto, nr by Borrowing, or by any of such means and also to apply to all or any of such punioses any capital or funds tielonging to the Company And Notice is hereby further given, that maps, plans, and sections, relating to the objects of the intended Act, and a book of reference to such plans, and a this Notice as published in the Ismdon Jaretts, will, on or before the 30th day of November in the present year, be dejiosited for public inspection as follows (that is to say): with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Middlesex at his office at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Gloucester at his office at Gloucester with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Warwick at his office at Stratford on Avon; with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Derby at his office at Derby; with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Lancaster at his office at Preston with the Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding of the County York at his office at Wakefield with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Leicester at his office at Leicester; with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Surrey at his office in North Street.

Lambeth with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Northampton at his office at Northampton; with the Cleric of the Peace for the county of Nottingham at his office at Newark upon Trent; and with the Clerk of the Peace for the city and county of Bristol at his office at Bristol; and that on or before the said 30th day of November a copy of so much of the said plans, sections, and book of reference respectively as relates to the several parishes within which any works are intended to be made, or any lands intended to be taken, are situate, together with a copy off this Notice, will be dejiosited for public as follows (that is to say): as respects the of Saint Mary Newington with the Vestry Clerk of that at the Vestry Hall, Walworth Road and as respects the several other parishes with the clerk of each such parish, at his residence; and in the case of any place, with the clerk of some parish immediately adjoining thereto, at the place of ahnle of such parish clerk And it is proposed by the said intended Act to alter, amend, and enlarge, or to repeal all or some of the powers and provisions of the several local anti personal Acts following, or some of them (that is to say). Acts relating to the Midland Railway Company 7 and 8 Viet, caps. 18 and 59; 8 and 9 Viet. .18. 49, 56, 90, and 181 9 and 10 Viet.

caps. 51, 102, 156, 157, 16d, 203, 243, 254, 255, 272, 301, 311, 326, and 340 10 and 11 Viet caps. 122, 135, 150, 191, 214, 215, and 270; 11 and 12 Viet. caps. 21.

88, and 131 14 anil 15 Viet. caps. 57, 88, and 113; 16 Viet. cap. 33; 16 and 17 Viet.

cap. 108; 19 and 20 Viet. cap. 54 22 and 23 Viet. caps.

40. 130. and 136 23 and 24 Viet. caps. 52, 65, 66, 67.

72, and 91 24 and 25 Viet, cajts. 57, 106, and 139 25 and 26 Viet. eaps. M. Hi.

and 173; 26 and 27 Viet, cajis. 74, 82, 182, and 18.3 27 and 28 Viet. cape. 164, 230, 231, and 245; 28 and 29 caps. 98, .327, 335, and .359 29 Viet.

cap. 29 and 30 Viet. caps. 175. 191, 192, 196, 223, 294, 298.

315, and 351 iM) and 31 Viet. caps. 27, 170, 185, and 207 31 and 32 Viet. 4.3 and 49; 32 and 33 Viet. 25, 83, and 115, and 33 and 34 Viet.

cap. 63 and any other Act or Acts relating to the Midland Railway Company: Acts relating to the London and North Western Railway Company, that is to say 9 and 10 Viet. cap. 204, and any other Act or Acts relating to that Company Acts relating to the North Western Railway ompany (that is to say) 15 and 16 Viet, cap, 135 20 and 21 Viet. cap.

1.34 and 27 and 28 Viet. cap. 71, and any other Act or Acts relatingto that company Chesterfield ami Brampton Railway Act Acta relating to the Great Western Railway Company (that is to say) 5 and 6 Will. IV. cap.

South Wales Railway Consolidation Act Great Western Railway (West Midland Amalgamation) Act Great Western Railway (Smith wales Amalgamation) Act The Great Western Railway (Vale of Neath Amalgamation) Act and any other Act or Acts relating to that Company Acts relating to the Junction Company (that is to say) North and South Western Junction Railway Act North and South Western Junction Railway Act 1864," North and Smith Western Junction Railway Act London and South Western Railway (Additional Powers) Act and London and North Western Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Vet 1867." and any other Act or Acts relating to that Company Acts relating to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, 22 and 23 Viet. cap. 110, and any other Act or relating to that Company Great Eastern Railway Act and any other Act or Acts relating to the Great Eastern Railway Company: Tottenham and Hampstead Junction Railway Act and any other Act or Acts relating to the Tottenham ami Hamjietead Junction Railway Company And Notice is hereby further given. That copies of the intended Act will, on or before the day of December next, be in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Dated this 9th day of November, 1870.

BEALE. MARIGOLD, and BEALE, 28, Great (Jeorge Street, Westminster, Solicitors. GREAT WESTERN AND MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANIES (Transfer to the (Jreat Western Midland Railway Companies of Powers of the Bristol Port Railway and Pier with reference to a portion of their Clifton Extension Construction of New Junctions and Abandonment of Authorised Junctions near Bristol Running Powers over Portions of Railways of the Three Provisions for Alteration of Gauge of Portions of Bristol and South Wales Union Railway Additional Capital Amendment of Acts). ia hereby given, that applicatioq is intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act for the following purposes, or some of them (that is to say): To transfer to or vest in the Great Western Railway Company (hereinafter called Great Western and the Midland Railway Company (hereinafter called Midland jointly all the powers, rights, and privileges now vested in the Bristol Port Railway and Pier Company (hereinafter called Bristol Company with to the Railway first described in and authorised by The Bristol Port Railway and Pier (Clifton Extension) Act 1867 (hereinafter referred to as the Bristol Company's Act of except the junction thereof with the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway, which is intended to be abandoned as hereinafter expressed, and all lands and other property, real or personal, belonging to the Bristol Company, with reference to the portion of Railway so intended to lie transferred or vested, which is hereinafter referred to as Bristol Company's Extension and the benefit of all acts done and contracts entered into by or with the Bristol Company, or on their behalf, with reference thereto, and also all duties, debts and liabilities of the Bristol Company with reference thereto, so that the Great Western and Midland Companies may be enabled to act in all with reference to the Bristol Company's Extension Railway, and the construction thereof and of the works connected therewith, authorised by the Bristol Act of 1867, ami the purchase of lauds for the purposes thereof, and the levying of tolls and charges in respect thereof, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the powers contained in the said Act with reference to the Bristol Extension Railway had been conferred upon them the Great Western and Midland Companies; and to confer on the Great Western and Midland Companies such further and other powers as may be necessary for the construction, maintenance, and use of the said Extension Railway To empower the Great Western Company to make and maintain the Railway billowing, with ail propsr approaches, stations, sidings, worlu, and conveniences connected therewith (that is to A Railway (hereinafter called The Great Western commencing in the district of the united parishes of Saint James and Saint Paul, in the city and county of Bristol, by a junction with the authorised line of the Bristol Extension Railway at a point on the Ashley Hill two hundred and twenty yards or thereabouts north of the Orphan Asylum near Hooks Mills, and terminating in the out-parish of Saint Philip and Jacob, in the said city and county, by a junction with the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway of the Great Western Company, at a thereon one hundred and thirty-seven yarns or thereabouts southward from the poet on that Railway indicating two miles and a quarter from the Great Western Railway Station at Bristol, which intended Railway will be wholly situate within the said itarishes of Saint and Saint Paul and Saint Philip and Jacob, in the said city and county and to empower the Great Western Company to purchase, by compulsion or agreement, and to hold lands and houses for the purjjoses the said intended Railway and the works connected therewith To emjjower the Midland Company to make and maintain the Railways following, or one of them, with all proper approaches, stations, sidings, works, and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say): First. A Railway (hereinafter called Midland First commencing in the district of the united parishes of Saint James and Saint Paul, in the city and county of Bristol, by a junction with the authorised line of the Bristol Extension Railway, a on the Ashley Hill Road two hundred ami twenty yards or thereabouts north of the Orphan Asylum near Hooks Mills, and terminating in the parish of Saint George, ki the county of Gloucesthe Bristol and Gloucester Lane of the Midland Company, at a (mint thereon' sixty chains or thereabouts south west of the Fish- Eds Station on that Railway, which intended iway will pass from, in, through, into the several parishes and or other places following, or some of them (that is to say): the united Parishes of Saint James and Saint Paul and the outjjarish of Saint Philip and Jacob, in the city and county of Bristol, and Saint George and Stapleton, in the county of Gloucester Second.

A Railway (hereinafter called Midland Second to be wholly situate in the parish of Saint George, in the county of Gloucester, commencing by a junction with (he Bristol and South 1 Wales Union Railway of the Great Western Company, at a thereon nine chains or thereabouts north of the bridge carrying the Bristol and Gloucester line of the Midland Company over the South Wales Union Railway and terminating by a junction with the before-mentioned line of tne Midland Company, at a point thereon ten chains or thereabouts south of the same bridge; And to empower the Midland Company to purchase by compulsion or agreement and to hold lands and houses for the purjvMtes of the said intended Railways, or either of them, and the works connected therewith resjiectively To alter, as respects the exercise of the powers of compulsory purchase, for the purixmes of the said intended Railways or any of them, the provision contained in section 112 of the Lam in Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845. so as to relieve the Great Western Railway Company amt the Midland Railway Company respectively, from the liability to take the whole of any house or other building or manufactory if they take any part tnereof To vary, repeal, or extinguish, all existing rights or lirivileges in arty manner connected with the lands and proposed to be purchased or taken, or which would in any manner impede or interfere with the conversion and use thereof for the purposes of the intended Act, ami to confer other rights and privileges To authorise the alteration, diversion, widening, crossing, or stopping up of all turnpike and other roails, bridges, fixitpaths, railways, tramways, aqueducts, canals, streams, ami rivers adjoining to the aforesaid lands and buildings with which it may he necessary to interfere in the conversion and use of those lands and buildings To authorise the levying, demanding, and recovery of toils, rates, or duties for or in resect of the intended Railways and works, and to grant exemptions from the payment of such tolls, nates, or duties To authorise the abandonment of the Railway secondly described in and authorised by the Bristol Act of 1867, and of so much of the Railway first described in and authorised by that Act as lies between the point of junction therewith of the intended Great Western Junction and the authorised termination thereof To authorise and nrovide for the alteration and adaptation by the Great Western 'onipany to a mixed or narrow Oe Railway of that their South Wales Union way which will lie between the junctions therewith respectively of the said intended CJreat Western Junction and Midland Second Junction, ami if thought fit of that ixution of the South Wales Union Railway which extends from the proposed junction therewith of the Midland Second Junction to Bristol ami of such other portions of that Railway as the Great Western Company may from time to time think tit: To empower the Great Western Conipany and the Midland Company jointly and severally to pass over and use, with their engines and carriages, and for traffic of every description, ami with their clerks, officers, and servants, upon such terms and conditions, and on of such tolls, rates, and charges, or other consideration as may be agreed upon, or as may be settled and determined by or under the provisions of the intended Act, the portion of Railway next hereinafter described, together with the stations, watering-places, water, booking-offices, warehouses, wharves, sidings, works, and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say) So much of the Bristol Railway as lies to the north-west of the Sneyd Park Junction To empower the Great Western Company to pass over and use with their engines and carnages, and for traffic of every description, and with their clerks, officers, and servants, upon such terms and conditions, and on payment of -such tolls, rates, and charges, or other consideration as may be agreed upon, or as may be settled and determined by or under the provisions of the intended Act, the intended Railway Hereinbefore described as the Midland First Junction, together with the stations, watering-places, water, lx Miking offices, warehouses, wharves, sidings, works, and conveniences connected then with To empower the Midland Company to pass over ami use with their engines and carriages, ami for traffic of every description, and with their clerks, officers, and servants, upon such terms and conditions, and on payment of such tolls, rates, and charges, or other consideration, as may be agreed upon, or as may be settled and determined by or under the provisions of the intended Act, the Railway and of Railway next hereinafter described, or some part or parts thereof, together with the stations, watering places, water, I looking-offices, warehouses, wharves, sidings, works, and conveniences connected therewith (that is to say) First. The intended Railway, hereinbefore described as The Great Western Junction Second. So much of the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway of the Great Western Company as will lie between the respective intended junctions therewith of the Great Western Junction and the Midland Second Junction; and, in certiiin events. Third.

So much of the said Bristol and South Wales Union Railway as lies between the intended junction therewith of the Midland Second Junction and the termination thereof To empower the Great Western Company and the Midland Company to make and enter into and carry into effect agreements and arrangements with resjieet to all or some of the objects of the intended Act, ami for giving effect thereto, and to appoint a joint Committee or Committees To empower the Great Western Company and the Midland resjiectively to raise, for the of the intended Act, further sums of money by the creation of new shares in their respective undertakings, with or without a dividend or other rights or privileges attached thereto, or by borrowing, or by any of such means, and also to apply to those purposes any capital or funds belonging to those Companies resjiectively. and to empower them respectively to raise by the creation and issue of shares of the same class all or any of the ni m- which they now are ami which by the intended Act or any other Act of the next Session, they may be authorised to raise by the creation of shares in their respective undertakings And Notice is hereby further given. That plans and sections of the said intended Railways and works, together with a published map whereon will be delineated the general course or direction of such Railways, and a book of reference to such plans, ami a copy of this Notice, as published in the London Gazette, will, on or before the 30th day of November in this present year, be deposited for public inspection with the clerk of the jieace for the city and county of Bristol, at his office in Bristol and with the clerk of the peace for the county of Gloucester, at his office in Gloucester and that on or before the said 30th day of November a copy of so much of the said plans, sections, and book of reference respectively as relates to the several parishes within which the said works will be situate, together with a copy of this Notice, will be deposited for public inspection with the jiarish clerk of each such parish at his residence, and in the case of any extra-parochial place with the clerk of some immediately ad joining thereto, at the place of abode of such parish clerk And it is proposed by the said intended Act to alter, amend, extend, and enlarge, or to rejieal, some of the powers and provisions of the several Acts of Parliament following, or some of them (that is to say): Acts relating to the Great Western Company (local ami iiersonal), 5 and 6 William IV. cap. 107 Great Western Railway Act Great Western (Birmingham and Cheater Railways) Act Bristol and South Wales Union Railway Act, 1857 The Great Western Railway (Capital) Act Great Western Railway (West idland Amalgamatioal Act 1863 Great Western Railway (South Woles Amalgamation) Act 1863 The Great Western Railway (Vale of Neath Amalgamation) Act 1866 The Great Western Railway (Wycombe Railway Transfer) Act 1866 The Great Western Railway (Further Powers) Act 1866 Great Western Railway (Various Powers) Act 1867 The Great Western Railway Act 1868 The Great Western Railway Act 1869 The Great Western Railway Act 1870; The Great Western Railway (Hereford and Gloucester Canal Vesting) Act 1870 and all other Acts relating to the Great Western Comjwiny Acts relating to the Midland Conqiany (local and personal), 7 and 8 Viet.

cape. 18 and 57 8 and 9 Viet. 38, 49, 56, 90, and 181 9 and 10 Viet, cajte. 51, 102, 156, 157, 163, 203, 243, 254, 255, 272, 301, 311, 326, and 340; 10 and 11 Viet. cape.

122, 135, 150, 191, 214, 215, and 270 11 and 12 Viet, cajie. 21, 88, and 131; 14 and 15 Viet, caps. 67, 88, and 113; 10 Viet. cap. 33; 16 and 17 Viet, cap.

108; 19 and 20 Viet. cap. 54 22 and 23 Viet, cajis. 40, 130, and 136 23 and 24 Viet, cajis. 52, 65, 66, 67, 72, and 91; 24 and 25 Viet, cajie.

57, 106, and 139 25 and 26 Viet. caps. 81, 90, 91, and 173; 28 and 27 Viet, cape. 74, 82, 382, and 183; 27 and 28 Viet. cape.

164, 230, 231, and 245 28 and 29 Viet. caps. 98, 327, 335, and 359 29 Viet. cap. 90; 29 and 30 Viet.

caps. 175, 191, 192, 196, 223, 294, 298, 315, ami 351 30 and 31 Viet. caps. 27, 170, 185, and 207 31 and 32 Viet. cape.

43 and 49; 32 and 33 Viet cape. 25. 83, and 115; 33 and 34 Viet, cajis. 13 and 63; ami all other Acts relating to the Midland Acts relating to the Bristol Company (local and 25 and 26 Viet. cap.

159; 28 and 29 Viet, cap. 156; 30 and 31 Viet. 204, and ail other Acts relating to the Bristol Comjiauy And Notice is hereby further given, that copies of the intended Act will, on or before the 21st day of December next, be dejiosited in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Dated the 4th day of November, 1870. YOUNG, MAPLES, TEESDALE, NELSON, CO.

10, Eastbourne Terrace, W. BEALE, MARIGOLD, BEALE, 28, Great George Street, Westminster. THE RAILWAY STATION. BOURTON-ON-THE WATER. THE CHRISTMAS SALE of AGRICUU TURAL STOCK at the above Station will be held on Friday, the 9th December, 1870.

Entries are solicited on or before Wednesday next, the 30th instant, to allow due publicity. Oddington. Stow-on-the-Wold, YNE and Aco*ck, and Aston, Northleach. IX) be DISPOSED OF, at Christmas next, An EXTENSIVE and WELL-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, the Proprietor having successfully carried it on for the last twenty-five years, now wishes to retire. This is an onportunity seldom offered.

Coming in aixnit £2200 would make a good Partnership Business for two persevering men. Premises Good House, Offices, Stabling, and long Address, Post Office, Gloucester. XIOB SALE, Capital DOUBLE FLUED CORNISH BOILERS, 20 feet by 5 feet 6 inches, in good Working Condition, just taken out to make rsnsm for larger ones. Have been working to and upwards. P.

C. Evans and Co. Briiuscombe Mills, near Stroud, Gloucestershire. BLUNSDON STROUD ROAD, Within One Mile of the Cross, Gloucester. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT.

THIS very desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE with Stables, Coach-houses, Lawn, Garden, and with or without Pasture Land. Apply to Bruton, Knowles, and Bruton, Land Agents, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. SJ THIS DA Y. DOCKS, GLOUCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Without reserve, on account of whom it may concern.

By BRUTON, KNOWLES, dc BRUTON, On Saturday, Nov. 26th, 1870, at half-past eleven A.M. at the Offices of W. C. Lucy and rpHE following PARCELS of AMERICAN A WHEAT, just discharged from the Mary Evans No.

1. -Alnnit 58 Quarters of 4961ba. slightly fit for heated, No. 2. 28 heated, use.

No. 3. 57 badly damaged. No. 4.

43 worst damaged. THIS A Y. DOCKS, GLOUCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON, On Saturday, Nov. 26th, 1870, at the Offices of Messrs.

J. A C. Sr URGE, immediately after the Sale at Messrs. W. C.

Lucy A rUMk uartera of AMERICAN WHEAT. more or less heated, adapted for feeding purjxmes. Gloucester November Fair. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON WILL SELL BY AUCTION, In the Horhe Market, on Monday, 28th November, 1870 (Fair Useful Half-bred HORSES, from the New Grounds, Slimhridge, to pay tack and exjx n-. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON HEG to announce that they will hold a SALE RY AUCTION, of FAT STORE STOCK, in Gloucester Market, on Monday the 28th November, (being Fair Day).

The usual Sales of CHRISTMAS FAT STOCK will be held on Monday, the sth, and Monday the 19th December entries for these Sales are solicited. Gloucester November Fair. Monday next. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON WILL hold a SALE by AUCTION of FAT and STORE STOCK, in the Cattle Market, Gloucester, on Monday next, (being Fair Day,) commencing at ten MISERDEN. Six Miles from Cirencester, and Five from Stroud.

HHUrUN, KNOWLES, ami BRUTON Have received instructions from the Trustees of TO SELL BY AUCTION. At the Kiss's Head Iss, Miserdes, on Tuesilay, the 29th 1870, at one at noon, in 1 OAK. ELM, ASH, and BEECH TIMBER TREES, with their lop, top. and bark, and 521 LARCH POLES, standing on lands at Miserden, in the of D. Y.

Mills, Esq. Mr. C. Cox, at Miserden, will show the lots. Catalogues may be hail of him, at the place of Sale, and of the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester.

GREENWAY ESTATE, SHURDINGTON. Three miles from Cheltenham and Five from Gloucester. SALE OF VERY HEAVY Elm, Ash, ami Scotch Fir Timber Trees and Ash Foies. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON Are favoured with instructions from H. B.

Straxgways, TO SELL 1 AUCTION, At the New Inn, ShurdingtoH, on Wednesday, the 30th day of 1870, at Four in the Afternoon, in Lots, Ol -fl Magnificent MAIDEN ELM and ASH 1. JL TIMBER TREES, and large SCOTCH FIR TREES, with their Lop and Top, standing on the Greenway Estate, and about 500 long and clean ASH POLES, cut and lying on Ground adjoining the Brake on the same Estate. The above Elm and Ash Timber is of vert large size, prime Quality, and with (larticularly heavy tops the Scotch Firs are also of large dimensions and the Ash Poles are clean, and fit fur hop poles or hurdle-making. The whole is remarkably well situate for removal, as it adjoins good Roads, and is distant only three miles from the Great Western and Midland Railways at Cheltenham. Mr.

H. Theyer, at Shurdington, will kindly appoint a person to show the Ixita. Catalogues may had of him at the Place of Sole; and of the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. SHURDINGTON, BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON Have received instructions from Mr. Chandler lO SELL BY AUCTION, At the New Inn, Shurdinotos, on Wednesday, the 30th day of 1870 (immediately after the Sale of the Green way Estate rpHR following Valuable ELM TIMBER TREES, ASH, ARLE, and LARCH POLES, on Lands at Shurdington.

Lot MAIDEN ELM TIMBER TREES, with their and Top, numbered 1 to 8. Lot Two Acres of Clean ASH and ARLE POLES. Lot LARCH POLES. Mr. H.

Theyer, at Shurdington, will kindly apjioint a person to show the Lota. may be had of him, at the Place of Sale, and of tne Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. GLOUCESTER MARKET. First Christmas Fat Stork Sale. BRUTON, KNOWLES, BRUTON TFEG to announce that the First SALE by AUCTION of CHRISTMAS FAT STOCK, will be held in the CATTLB Market, Gloucxstcb.

on Monday, December sth, 1870. Early entries are rvsjieotfully solicited to enable the Auctioneers to give full publicity to the Sale. The Second Christmas Fat Stock Sale will be held on Monday, the 19th December. SEBERT STREET AND ST. STREET, KINGSHOLM, GLOUCESTER.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. By Messrs. BRUTON, KNOWLES, 4 BRUTON, At the Spread Eagle Hotel, Gloucester, on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1870, at five o'clock in the Tli undermentioned FREEHOLD PROPERTIES In SEBERT STREET. Lot 1. well-built and Commodious DWELLINGHOUSE, comprising Parlour, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, 5 Bedrooms, ami w.a, with Underground Cellar, and Court or Garden behind, being No.

12, in Sebert Street, adjoining Mr. Nursery, and in the oocujiatiou of Mr. Nobbs. Lot Piece of GROUND, with Part of a DWELLING-HOUSE Erected thereon, comprising Cellar, Well, and Chimney Stack comjilete, and Joists fur the Ground Floor, adjoining Lot 1. Each of the above Lots has a frontage of 21 feet.

In ST. MARK'S STREET. Lot DWELLING-HOUSE, No. 50, comprising Parlour, Kitchen, Back Kitchen, 3 Bedrooms, Underground Cellar, and small Garden, in the occUjiatiou of Clark. I Ait 4.

Another DW LING-H OUSE. No. 51, adjoining the last, and of the some size and description, in the occujiation of Mr. James Pegier. Lot 5.

Another DWELLING-HOUSE, No. 52, adjoining the last, and of the same size and description, having the advantage of a side Entrance, in the occupation of Mr. Abraham Ricketts. Lot very commodious DWELLING-HOUSE, being No. 63, containing Parlour, Kitchen, Bock Kitchen, and four Bed-rooms, with Workshop over the Bock Kitchen, undergrouna Cellar, and Garden, in the occupation of Mr.

James Be von. This l.Ktfc has also the advantage of a side Entrance. The whole of the above Lota are well supplied with Water, and connected with the St. Catherine Public Sewer. For further particulars, apply to Mr.

Bretherton, Solicitor, Bell Lane, or the Auctioneers, King Street, Gloucester. PAUNTLEY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON Are favoured with instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION. At the Georgs Hotel, Newent, on Friday, the 9th day of December, 1870, at four for five in the evening, in Three Lots, IpfrA. 3r.

19p. of Superior COPPICE WOOD, JL growing in Colin Park, contiguous to good roads, and within an easy dirtance of the Hereford and Gloucester Canal Catalogues may be had of Mr. Hodges veras, who will kindly appoint a to show the Lots; at the Place of Sale ami of the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. NEWENT MONTHLY MARKET, And Christmas Fat Stock Sale. BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON BEG to announce that the usual CHRISTMAS SALE of FAT STOCK will he held in the Market Place, Newest, on Monday, December 12th, 1870.

Early Entries are respectfully requested to ensure full publicity. birdwood, chuecham. Four mileM from Oloucenter. BRUTON, KNOWLES, A- BRUTON Have received iniitnicttone from G. Waters, Esq.

TO SELL BY AUCTION, Or Thursday, the Ist of December, 1870, at twelve o'clock TILS Valuable HOUSEHOLD FUHNITITRP cor OKLDING HPIiING CART, PtXn.TUV ami comiinHinq mahogany lAtring walnut Chettoneer, with glass Drawing Suite, in walnut and "rfe-ri velyrt C.mche., Easy and other Chair, Arabian CXTTI'AGK PIANoVoRTK, in walnut Ctoplw? Co. a number of Very Valuable OIL in jfilt frames; KNO RAVI NOS, by Morris, Ditcher W. S. Rivert, Clint, Chnlon, and Stuffed 'BirrlH Revolvers Safp China, Glass, Brown Cob Gelding, Spring Cart, Hamrsa Poultry, Garden loola, and other hfleets. On view on the morning of Sale.

Catalogues may be obtained at the Place of Sale and of the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. MAGDALA ROAD. VILLE OF WOTTON BRUTON, KNOWLES, and BRUTON Have received instructions TO SELL AUCTION, At the Spread Eaole Hotel, Gloucester, on the bth December, at five in the evening, in Two Lot 1. A Substantially-built FREEHOLH DWELLING-HOUSE, known as 5 Magdala Road, Ville of Wotton, Gloucester, Pad lour, Kitchen, and together with Outbuildings and Garden, in the occupation of Mr Lotl-A SIMILAR LOT, being Xo. 0, MaJkia Road, in the occupation of Mr.

Berryman. The Houses are let at an annual rent of each. The Property is connected with the Main Sewer and there is a good supply of excellent Water. For further particulars apply to Mr. Rretherton Solicitor, Bell Lane, or the Auctioneers, Albion Gloucester.

MAGDALA. ROAD, VILLE OF WOTTON, GLOUCESTER. BRUTOX, KXOWLES, aud BRUTON Have received TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the Spread Eagle Hotel, Gloucester, on Tuesday the lith IM7O, at five o'clock in the evening iu four following valuable FREEHOLD DWRLL- A ING HOUSES, situate in Magdala Road, Ville Lot 1. A substantially-built FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, No. 11, Magdala Road, cmuining Parlour, Kitchen, Hack Kitchen, and three Bedrooms together with Out-buildings and Ganlen, in the occupation of Mrs.

Jones. Lot SIMILAR LOT, being No. 12. Mag.lala Road, in the of Mr. George Clarke.

Lot SIMILAR LOT, being No. 13, Magdala Road, in the occupation of Mr. Sansom. Lot SIMILAR LOT, being No. 14, Magdala Road, in the occupation of Mr.

W. Matthews. The Houses are let at an Annual Rent each. The Property is connected with the Main Sewer, and there is a good supply of excellent water. For further uarticulars apply to Mr.

H. Russell, 49, Vauxhall Road, Gloucester, E. Lechmere Pugh. Solicitor, Worcester, or the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. WELLINGTON STREET, GLOUCESTER.

BRUTOX, KXO WLES, and BRUTOX WILL SELL BY AUCTION. At the Spread Eagle Hotel, Gloucester, on Tuesday, the fith December, 1870, at five o'clock in the that Convenient FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, situate in Wellington Street, (near to the Public in the City of Gloucester, late the Residence of the Rev. W. Collinga, deceased, containing Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast Rooms, four Bed-rooms, two Attics, W.C. Pantry, underground Kitchen, Cellar, and small Garden in the rear, now in the occupation of Mrs.

Ceilings. For further apply to Messrs. Burrup, Son, and Coren, Solicitors. Berkeley Street, or the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. SLIMBRIDGE.

Fat Stock. BRUTOX, KXOIVLt'S, and BRUTOV Have received instructions from Mr. D. Phillimore, TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the Farm, Slimbridoe, on Monday, 12th December, 1870, fC PC Splendid FAT HLIFERS and BULLOCKS, including 30 splendid Maiden Heifers, fed expressly for the Christmas Market. The Auctioneers beg to call particular attention to the above genuine Sale, as the Stock will be found of the primest quality and tit for the Christmas markets, foe which they have been expressly fed, A keep will be given.

Catalogues may be had at the principal inns in the neighbourhood, and of the Auctioneers, Albion Chambers, Gloucester. HORTON LOWER WOODS. Sixteenth Annual Sale. Mr. WILLIAM TA yL Is instructed TO SELL BY AUCTION, At the George Hotel, Chipping Sodburt, on Friday, 9th December, at five in the OAK and other TIMBER TREKS ind OOdb about 10 ACRES of COPPICE WOOD, in numerous Lots.

To view apply to Joseph Hayward, Outage, Lower Woods and for jparticulars to the Auctioneer, Chipping Sodbury to Mr. Wm. Limbrick, to Messrs. J. P.

Sturge and Sons, Land Agent' and Surveyors, 34, Corn Street, Bristol. Christmas Beef. CIRENCESTER CATTLE MARKET. JAMES VILLAR Has received instructions from William latter, of Stratton, near Cirencester, TO SELL BY AUCTION. In the above Market, on Monday, the sth December.

IS7O, Prime Fat STEERS, and 3 ditto HEIFERS, vr fed expressly for the Christmas Market. Also, in the Sheep Market, commencing at ten Prime FAT SHEEP, including some vF Downs from the flocks of the Right Hon. Lord Bathurst and Mr. W. Edmonds and a few splendid SHEfiP, fed for the Christmas Market.

Offices, 1, Portland Street. Cheltenham. WATER END FARM, near DDRSLEY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Annual Sale of Fat Stock. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By JAMES VILLAR, Upon the Premises, on Tuesday, December, oth, 1870, commencing punctually at Two o'clock, Head of Prime FAT CATTLE, the property of Mr.

E. Leonard, fed by him expressly for the Christmas market, and comprising 13 grand, stall-fed, four-year-old oxen, of matchless quality; 28 maiden heifers (prime and heavy), 10 ditto (grass-fed, nice weights), 1 fat bull. The Auctioneer can with confidence recommend this Sale to the actentionof all who wish to purchase first-class C'hristmas Beef. The Oxen are very superior, the Heifers of unusual merit. It is intended to Sell everv Lot without the least reserve.

Tea keen will be allowed. Luncheon at Twelve, and Selling to Two punctually Water End Farm is within five walk of the Coaley Station on the Midland Hail way (Bristol and Birmingham Line). Trains from London, Bath. Bristol and the West, Birmingham and the North, Cheltenham, Gloucester, and South Wales, arrive in time for the Sale, and leave the Station, both up and down, at convenient times for the return journey. Catalogues sent on application to the Auctioneer, No.

1 Portland Street, Cheltenham. BUSOOT PARK, BERKS. Christinas Sale of Fat Stork. THE NEXT SALE BY AUCTION At the above Place, will be held ou Wednesday, Dec. 14th, 1870, and will A PH FAT SHEEP, and 50 FAT OX EX and HEIFERS.

Luncheon in the Field at twelve, and the Sale will commence with the Sheep punctually at one A Break will be in attendance at the G. W.R. Station, Faringdon, to convey i urchasers to and the Saio Ground. JAMES VILLAR, Auctioneer, Und Street, Cheltenham. PRELIMINARY JAMES VILLAR Has been instructed TO SELL BY AUCTION.

At the Spread Eaglb Hotel, Glopcesteb, on Tuesday, the UOth December, 1870, A Large Quantity of OAK, ELM and ASH. TIMBER, of clean growth and large dimensions, now standing on Brickhampton Estate, Chobchuown, equi distant from Gloucester and Cheltenham, and. near the Turnpike lioad. Particulars in future Advertisem*nts and atalogues. Offices, 1, Portland Street, Cheltenham..

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 6390

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.